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i love the site iam thinking about geting a italian spinone and was woundering if u could tell me how much a puppy would cost (in £) and if the r good company dogs as i also have a jack russell please reply thank you very much ps: keep up the good work
continuing my search for spinone info, I found your site. I always like to look at the pictures of dogs, but was unable to access the ones on your site. Easy to use site though. I'm looking forward to getting my own spinone or two soon. I liked the breed from the moment I met my first spin in Kent UK, the solid build and excellent laid back friendly temperament was so appealing. Lifes too unsettled just now to have a spinone, but I'm working on that- I've talked my partner around to the idea and now she loves this breed to. I'm not in any rush as I want to have the lifestyle and time to give a dog a loving home. I've had dogs before Labs, and have spent a lot of time with GSP's and springers and Border terriers. I've definitely got canine fever.
Just surfing Spinone sites to learn as much as I can about the breed that is REALLY attracting me. The typical Spinone is exactly the kind of dog that would be a perfect match for us. We have always raised Golden Retrievers- and love them! As field hunter enthusiasts, though, that breed has fallen below what I would call "sporting". Our 10 yr. female - our pride and joy- has been the best ever as a companion and field dog, but unfortunately we will soon lose her to melanoma, which is breaking our hearts. Trying to find information and breeders close to us (VA), where we can visit and get "hands on" experience with the wonderful Spinone breeds. Don't know how soon we can adopt another dog into our family, but I know it takes time to find this breed. Any info. available will help us in learning more. Your website is great- pics. are so nice! (You just want to hug them all!)
I went to the dog show this past weekend and saw my first Spinone. I am a student of veterinary technology graduating in may. I am interested in getting a spinone later in life. I have a 2 year old mutt he is about 70 pounds. He gets along well with other dogs. I was wondering how much spinone's generally run. I am looking for pet quality not show quality. I was looking at genetic diseases they can acquire too. Are these diseases prevelant in alot of litters? I hope to hear from you soon. Beth
I love spinoni's hey e-mail me if you want to chat
Hi Jean, Thought I would revisit your site. You have done much more work on it since my last visit! Really enjoyed it. Cant wait to see pics of "the boy" on here real soon. Jane xxx
Hi from Lancashire England Enjoyed your site very much,look forward to another visit.Have had Spinoni for 20 years and still everything "Spinone" is a pleasure! Best Wishes Carole
Best Spinone website we've visited - congratulations You obviously love Spinoni as much as I do and have done for the last twenty years. Look forward to further updates on your site in the future.
Very interesting and informative site,must be a great help to prospective Spinone owners.I am a Spinone owner/exhibiter/breeder of 20 years and never tire of anything conected to our lovely breed.
I think it is great that you have dedicated so much time in raising your dogs and building this website, I myself have an Italian Spinone (Sophia).
Really enjoyed your site. Hope to visit often.
Enjoyed your site. Hope to see a Spinone soon.